Communication & Collaboration
Toolbox Dialogue Initiative:
The Power of Cross-Disciplinary Practice
Graham Hubbs, Michael O'Rourke, Steven Hecht Orzack, editors
Taylor & Francis, 2020
Stephen Crowley and Michael O'Rourke,
Communication Failure and Cross-Disciplinary Research
Michael O'Rourke and Stephen Crowley,
How It Works: The Toolbox Dialogue Method in Practice
Graham Hubbs,
A Narrative History of the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative
Shannon Donovan,
The Landscape of Challenges for Cross-Disciplinary Activity
Michael O'Rourke and Brian Robinson,
Communication and Integration in Cross-Disciplinary Activity
Chad Gonnerman, Graham Hubbs, Bethany K. Laursen, and Anna Malavisi,
The Power of Philosophy
Michael O'Rourke, Troy E. Hall, and Bethany K. Laursen,
The Power of Dialogue
Marisa A. Rinkus and Stephanie E. Vasko,
Best Practices for Planning and Running a Toolbox Workshop
Brian Robinson and Chad Gonnerman,
Enhancing cross-disciplinary science through philosophical dialogue:
Evidence of improved group metacognition for effective collaboration
Marisa A. Rinkus and Michael O'Rourke,
Qualitative Analyses of the Effectiveness of Toolbox Dialogues
Sanford D. Eigenbrode, Stephanie E. Vasko, Anna Malavisi,
Bethany K. Laursen, and Michael O'Rourke,
Future Directions
for the Toolbox Dialogue Initiative
Graham Hubbs, Michael O'Rourke, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, Marisa A.
Rinkus, and Anna Malavisi,
Toolbox Workshop Case Studies
Appendix A. Scientific Research Toolbox Instrument
Appendix B. Toolbox Transcript Excerpts