Sex Ratio Handbook
A collection of new articles on the analysis and interpretation of sex ratios.
Ian Hardy, editor
Cambridge University Press, 2002
This book will provide methodological and conceptual resources for sex ratio researchers (both theoreticians and empiricists) working on a range of taxa. Our hope is that it will help established researchers improve in areas peripheral to their own expertise and, especially, assist young researchers in the development of a wide variety of skills
Jon Seger and William Stubblefield, Models of sex ratio evolution
Ido Pen and Franjo Weissing, Optimal sex allocation: steps towards a mechanistic theory
Ken Wilson and Ian Hardy, Analysis of sex ratios and other proportional data
Koos Boomsma and Gösta Nachman, Analysis of sex ratios in social insects
Sven Krackow, Evert Meelis and Ian Hardy, Analysis of sex ratio variances and sex allocation sequences
Peter Mayhew and Ido Pen, Comparative analysis of sex ratios
Sarah Kraak and Franjo Weissing, Causes and consequences of sex determining mechanisms in vertebrates
James Cook, Invertebrate sex determination mechanisms
Richard Stouthamer, Hans Breeuwer and Greg Hurst, Detection of sex ratio distorters in populations
Paul Ode and Molly Hunter, Sex ratios of parasitoids with unusual life-histories
Kees Nagelkerke, Mous Sabelis and Hans Breeuwer, Sex ratio control in arrhenotokous and pseudo-arrhenotokous mites
William Foster, Aphid sex ratios
Andrew Cockburn, Michael Double and Sarah Legge, Sex ratio in birds and mammals: disentangling the hypotheses
John Lazarus, Human sex ratios
Andrew Read, Stuart West and Todd Smith, Microorganism sex ratios
Peter Klinkhamer and Tom de Jong, Sex allocation in hermaphrodite plants
Tom de Jong and Peter Klinkhamer, Sex ratios in dioecious plants
Jacques van Alphen and Marianne van Dijken, Biocontrol applications of sex ratio research
Charlotta Kvarnemo and Ingrid Ahnestjö, Operational sex ratios and mating competition
Steven Orzack, Using sex ratios: the past and the future
Stuart West and Allen Herre, Using sex ratios: why bother?